University of Leicester
The University of Leicester is a leading UK university committed to international excellence through the creation of world-changing research and high-quality, inspirational teaching. Leicester is consistently one of the most socially inclusive of the UK’s leading universities with a long-standing commitment to providing fairer and equal access to higher education. They are currently ranked 22nd in the UK in the Times Higher Education University Guide and have been described as ‘elite without being elitist’. For more information visit their website.
Kidney Research UK
Kidney Research UK is the leading charity dedicated to research into kidney disease in the UK. They rely almost wholly on the generous donations of the UK public and believe that everybody deserves a life free of kidney disease. They aim to find better treatments and ultimately cures for kidney disease. For more information visit their website.
Physical Activity and Wellbeing Clinical Study Group
The Physical Activity and Wellbeing Clinical Study Group’a mission is to “generate, support and facilitate multi-disciplinary, collaborative, translational research in physical activity and wellbeing for all people affected by kidney disease in the UK”. For more information visit their website.
Leicester Diabetes Centre
The Leicester Diabetes Centre (LDC), based at the Leicester General Hospital, forms one of the largest centres in Europe to conduct first-class clinical research in diabetes. Its research is dedicated to ensuring that people with diabetes live long and healthy lives, by achieving benefits for people with, or at risk of diabetes through prevention and management. This is achieved by facilitating rapid progress across both translational research gaps and between applied research and implementation to rapidly reduce the time taken to improve patient care. For more information visit their website.
Global Renal Exercise Network
The Global Renal Exercise Network (GREX) has members throughout the globe and fosters research & innovation across multiple disciplines to develop strategies to increase physical activity and improve health outcomes for people with Chronic Kidney Disease. For more information visit their website.
Leicester Real World Evidence Unit
The Leicester Real World Evidence Unit is based within Leicester General Hospital hosted by the University of Leicester and consists of experts in database epidemiology, prognostic modelling, decision modelling, evidence synthesis and systematic review as well as clinical experts. They are committed to harnessing the power of real-world data and delivering robust studies in a number of research areas. For more information visit their website
University Hospitals of Leicester (UHL)
UHL is one of the biggest and busiest NHS Trusts in the country, serving the one million residents of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. UHL comprises three hospitals: Leicester General, Glenfield, and Leicester Royal Infirmary, and they also have their own Children’s Hospital. They pride themselves on their close partnership with the University of Leicester and De Montfort University, which provides world-class teaching to nurture and develop the next generation of doctors. They encourage research to constantly improve the care patients receive through access to the latest technologies, techniques, and medicines. For more information visit their website.
Leicester Biomedical Research Centre
Leicester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) is one of only 20 BRC’s in the country and enables pioneering research into illnesses linked to chronic kidney disease, respiratory conditions, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and the consequences of inactivity. The NIHR Leicester BRC is part of the NIHR and hosted by the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust in partnership with the University of Leicester, Loughborough University and the University Hospitals of the Northamptonshire NHS Group. Their overall purpose is to translate scientific breakthroughs into medical advancements such as diagnostic tests, preventions and life-saving treatments. For more information visit their website.
Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands
The NIHR ARC East Midlands (EM) is one of 15 ARCs across England, part of a £135 million investment by the NIHR to improve the health and care of patients and the public. They test and refine the learnings from research through collaborations made up of local NHS and care service providers, patient groups, commissioners, local authorities, universities, industry and charities. Their overall vision is to help people live “healthier living for longer independently”. For more information visit their website.
UK Kidney Association
The UK Kidney Association (UKKA) is a new organisation which brings together the Renal Association, the UK Renal Registry and the British Renal Society and its affiliates. They support the whole multi-professional team in the delivery of kidney care, through education, training, research, quality improvement, service and workforce development. We are also partnered with their Living Well With Kidney Disease Special Interest Group. For more information visit the UKKA website.
Centre for Ethnic Health Research
The Centre for Ethnic Health Research (CEHR) is hosted by the University of Leicester within the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands, the lead ARC for Equality Diversity and Inclusion of under-represented groups in research. The CEHR works to address inequalities associated with ethnicity in healthcare access and health outcomes. They aim to inspire and develop dynamic and collaborative partnerships to help address ethnic health disparities. For more information visit their website.